The Genevan Consort and Players offer tuition to players in various instruments as well as singing.
Baroque double reeds & recorder
Dr. Georg Corall (oboe, bassoon, recorder)
Georg, an early music specialist, has some 20 years teaching experience in early music. Trained in recorder, oboe, bassoon and harpsichord (in Germany) he holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from UWA. See further
Patricia Alessi (singing)
Patricia holds a Bachelor of Music in Voice (Classical Performance) and in Cultural Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; a Master of Music in Opera Performance from the University of British Columbia; a PhD (under examination) from The University of Western Australia and is currently undertaking an M. Speech Pathology at Curtin University (part-time). She has almost 20 years experience in voice training. See further
(Natural) Horn
Dr. Darryl Poulsen (horn)
Darryl graduated from the Conservatoires of Luxembourg, and Liège, Belgium with distinction, and from the UWA as Doctor of Music. Darryl is currently principal horn with the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, and performs with the Australian Haydn Ensemble and orchestra seventeen88. He has given masterclasses throughout Australia, Europe, North and South America, and Asia, and formerly held positions of Professor of Music at the Universities of Western Australia, Sydney and New England.
Harpsichord / organ & double bass
Rev. Dr. R. Dean Anderson (keyboard, double bass)
Dean holds a B.Mus. from Victoria University of Wellington in performance double bass and harpsichord and received (private) singing tuition as counter-tenor in The Hague (Netherlands). He has some 25 years experience teaching and performing in amateur and semi-professional baroque ensembles in the Netherlands. See further